Varieties of apples
‘Gala’ is a variety of apples originating in New Zealand, which was obtained in 1934 from the crossing of ‘Orange Red’ and ‘Golden Delicious’ varieties. The first commercial ‘Gala’ orchards were planted in 1960. Apple trees of the Gala variety are classified as winter varieties and are easy to form. They grow moderately-strongly, creating quite wide and conical crowns. Less densely at the beginning. The branches are covered with numerous shoots. This variety often binds the fruit excessively, so it is recommended to cut the buds to ensure even growth.
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‘Golden Delicious’ is an American variety that was found in 1890 in West Virginia as a seedling of unknown origin. It has been cultivated in commercial orchards around the world since 1916. Golden Delicious is a variety that has been appreciated by fruit growers for many years. The fruit is very tasty and can be stored for a long time under the right conditions. Apple trees grow medium-tall and medium-strong. The crown is conical or spherical. The first fruiting occurs early, usually in the second year after planting. Open-root fruit trees should be planted in spring or autumn.
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Gloster variety is a young variety obtained in Germany in the early 1960s from the crossing of Glockenapfel and Richared Delicious. It grows quite strongly in the first period of growth, then it slows down. The crown is usually erect. It starts bearing fruit early. It yields profusely and regularly. Gloster fruits are usually large or even very large, conical, folded at the calyx. Sometimes they have an average size if the tree bears fruit very abundantly. The peel is greenish-yellow, strong, smooth and slightly shiny with a coating. The fruit on a very large surface is covered with a dark red, blurred blush. The flesh is white-greenish, fine-grained, firm, juicy, sour with a characteristic taste and aroma. It is a dessert variety.
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‘Szampion’ is a Czech, diploid variety, selected in 1970 by Otto Land in Skirzovice from the hybrids of ‘Golden Delicious’ and ‘Koksa Pomarańczowa’. The tree grows moderately fast with its crowns moderately dense. The advantages of Szampion are early fruiting as well as abundant and annual crops. However, it also has disadvantages – uneven staining of apples, high susceptibility to bark and wood diseases, fire blight, and bitter spots under the peel. Important features also include the small size of the trees and their low susceptibility to scab and mildew. High quality and taste of the fruit constitute the decisive distinguishing features influencing the popularity of this variety in our country.
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The variety obtained in 1954 was created after the crossing of the Jonatan and Golden Delicious varieties. It starts bearing fruit early, even in the 3rd year after planting. Flowering depends on the weather and usually occurs in mid April and May. The trees form a strong, wide, medium-dense crown. It is a late variety suitable for storage. One of the tastiest dessert apple varieties, it is also perfect for preserves. Jonagold apples are large, spherical with visible ribbing. Outside, it has a yellow peel touched with an intense red blush, covered with wax. The fruits are very tasty and aromatic. The first apples are ripe in October. And they can stay on the tree until they have ripened more; they are not harmed by rain or temperature drops.
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Mutsu is a Japanese apple variety that we can most often come across at supermarkets where the green, hard and juicy fruit of the Mutsu apple tree easily attracts attention. This wonderful variety was developed at the Aomoria Experimental Station in Japan and is a cross between “Golden Delicious” and “Indo” dessert varieties. The fruits are distinguished by a smooth, greenish-yellow peel. Inside there is a creamy, juicy flesh with a slightly sour taste. “Mutsu” apples are dessert varieties and they store well. Some people think that this is a fairly new variety – nothing could be further from the truth, as it was created in 1930. Previously, it was mainly grown in the country it comes from as well as in the United States.
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Red Delicious
Red Delicious was created in 1921 in Iowa (USA) from the Golden Delicious mutation. It is a large apple, completely covered with a dark red, even purple colour. The fruit has a slightly elongated shape with five distinct humps at the calyx, which makes it easy to recognize. Red Delicious is a crunchy, juicy and sweet apple with an aroma typical for this variety. The fruit is ripe for consumption from the end of September. It bears fruit abundantly and annually. They are suitable for consumption until November when stored in a cool place.
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Red Jonaprice
The variety, which is a naturally occurring Jonagold mutation, was created in the Netherlands in Weert in 1994. A characteristic feature of Red Jonaprince is its exceptionally deep red colour which contributes to its extremely appetizing appearance. In addition, the fruit of this variety, due to its dense, fine-grained flesh, remains suitable for consumption for a long time, and it maintains high taste qualities. This Dutch variety with intense red colour, smooth peel covered with natural waxes, is highly appetizing. The yellowish, crunchy and very aromatic flesh is pleasantly sweet. Apples taste light and fresh thanks to the right proportion of sugars to acids. The tree grows strong naturally and forms a loose, spreading crown. For production, we recommend using dwarfing rootstocks. It blooms 2-3 days before Golden Delicious Reiders. It starts fruiting early. It yields profusely and annually. The Red Jonaprince Select variety is more stable in fruiting and apple quality/colour than the original variety, i.e. Red Jonaprince.
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Idared is an apple tree first grown in Idaho, the USA from the crossing of Jonathan and Wagener varieties. It is one of the most popular varieties grown in orchards due to the ease of cultivation and the taste of the fruit. It starts bearing fruit 3 years after planting. Idared forms a nice crown, dense with dangling branches covered with shoots. The fruits are medium-sized, slightly spherical, flattened on both sides from the petiole and flower. The peel of the fruit is clearly thick, shiny because it is covered with a waxy coating; it is light yellow with a blush that turns into blurred streaks at the edges. The flesh is white with a slightly cream shade, fine-grained, juicy and firm with a noticeable sour note, tasty. Idared variety is not very complicated to cultivate. It grows nicely, bears fruit annually and abundantly. It is damaged by severe frosts, but it is not susceptible to scab on fruit trees.
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