Apples from Europe – high quality apples


Apple mousse


 1 kg apples,
– water,
– sugar.


Peel the select number of apples and cut out the seed nests. When peeling, it is worth pouring the apples with lemon juice so that they do not get too black. Cut the fruit into quarters. In the meantime, heat a pot, pouring some water into it (3/4 cup). Cut the chopped fruit into the pot and cook until the water evaporates. If the water evaporates during cooking and the apples do not change consistency into semi-liquid, you should add some water. And vice versa – if the apples are ready and there is too much water, cast some of it away.

Try the ready apple mousse and add sugar if necessary. Then, press it through a sieve, break it with a potato pestle or blend to get the mass as smooth as possible.

Put the apple mousse into jars. Twist them tight and cook for 20 minutes to pasteurize. They can also be placed in a heated oven and left for several dozen minutes. Turn the pasteurized jars upside down and cover with a cloth.

The apple mousse prepared in this way can be used for cakes and desserts for several months.