An apple tree hardy against frost? Polish Alwa and other winter varieties resistant to frost.
Apple trees are among the most popular fruit trees grown in the European Union. However, winter conditions in the EU can often pose challenges to their growth and yields. Nevertheless, by choosing the right varieties of apple trees and ensuring their protection, you can enjoy beautiful and tasty fruit for many years, even in difficult winter conditions. There are several varieties of apple trees grown in the EU that are frost-resistant and cope well with winter conditions.
This variety was bred at the Institute of Fruit Growing in Skierniewice, Poland, by Aleksander Rejman, Wacław Dzięcioł and Maria Grochowska from seedlings of the Macoun variety. According to information provided by the Institute, its second parent may be the Boiken variety. The fruits are large, spherical, ribbed, very similar to the old Boiken variety, but intensely red. They have a smooth, yellow-green skin covered entirely with a red-raspberry blush. The flesh is white, very dense and juicy. The taste is quite sour and spicy. This is a tasty winter variety. The fruit is harvested in mid-October. The variety is not very sensitive to bark and wood diseases or to powdery mildew. It is characterized by a very high resistance to frost. Fruits of this variety can be stored in a cold store for several months.
It is one of the most popular apple varieties in Poland. It bears fruit earlier than other varieties. It can be grown organically. It is considered a frost-resistant variety, which means it can be grown in various climatic zones. The tree grows slowly and bears fruit early and abundantly. The variety is quite resistant to diseases. The fruits are small or medium-sized, yellow-orange with a striped, carmine blush, very tasty, sweet and beautiful. The fruits ripen at the end of September. They are suitable for eating immediately after harvesting. They can be stored until mid-winter. In addition to regular Gala, ‘Royal Gala’, ‘Imperial Gala’, ‘Gala Must’ and others are also grown in orchards.
The greatest of the early winter varieties. The tree grows slowly and produces abundant fruit in the second year after planting. The variety is not very resistant to frost, however it is quite resistant to diseases. The fruits are medium-sized, spherical-conical, orange-yellow, with a striped red blush. The fruit is very tasty and perfect for home-made preserves. They are harvested at the beginning of October. They store well until the end of the year. They remain in good quality in storage until December, and in cold storage even until March.
One of the best commercial varieties. The tree grows vigorously, is moderately resistant to frost and quite resistant to diseases. It begins to bear fruit early, bears abundant fruit and has a tendency to alternate fruit bearing. The fruits are large, conical, greenish, with an extensive blush. They taste sour and refreshing. The fruits ripen at the end of October and can be stored until spring.
This is one of the most delicious varieties of dessert apples. It is also perfect for preserves. The fruit is large, spherical with a cone, with light ribs on the side of the calyx. The skin is covered with wax, so it stores quite well. The skin is yellow with a red blush sometimes spread over the entire apple. The flesh of the fruit is very tasty, white with a green tint, later turning green and creamy. Tasty, coarse-grained, juicy with a very pleasant aroma. It is a late variety useful for storage.
It is a late winter apple variety, developed in 1965. The variety is quite resistant to apple scab and powdery mildew. The tree grows moderately and produces abundant fruit from the third year after planting. It tends to bear excessive fruit and therefore it is recommended to cut off excess fruit buds in June. The fruits are medium-sized, conical, yellow-green, covered with a striped blush. The flesh is yellowish, sweet and sour, and tasty. The fruits ripen late, in the second half of October. They can be stored until mid-winter.
It is the latest variety commonly grown in commercial orchards. The tree does not grow very quickly, begins to bear fruit early, bears fruit abundantly and annually. The variety is quite resistant to scab and susceptible to powdery mildew. The fruits are medium-sized, spherical, heavy, light yellow, with a red, striped blush. The advantage of this variety is its enormous yield. It can be grown in the garden on dwarf and semi-dwarf rootstocks. The fruit is harvested in mid-October. They can be stored until spring (until May).