Five signposts for growing apples - European standards
European fruit growers must take into account more and more guidelines so that the apples they produce are not only of high quality, but also stand out with their unique taste and production safety on the global market.

In order to meet market requirements, fruit growers are constantly adapting production to market expectations. They have created a system of values that they follow when developing their farms. What are these values?
- Adapting to customer expectations
A multitude of apple varieties and their flavours, different ways of cultivation and trade – these are just a few of the dilemmas faced by fruit growers when running their farms. To make it easier for them to set goals, they try to understand the needs of customers as best they can. On this basis, they can rationally adjust their production to market expectations. For this purpose, organized groups of fruit producers, organizations and trade associations constantly conduct market research and surveys among consumers, aimed at determining, among others, their preferences regarding the taste and appearance of apples. Customer feedback on the production method is also important. Interestingly, consumers around the world are paying more and more attention to production methods – they prefer integrated and ecological methods that are environmentally friendly. This determines the actions of fruit growers who, thanks to this information, can meet the needs and expectations of the market.
- Production of high-quality fruit
For the customers to willingly purchase apples, the apples must meet high quality requirements. This applies to both their taste parameters (the right ratio of sweetness to sourness), visual parameters (colour appropriate for a given variety), physical parameters (crunchiness, juiciness), as well as health parameters (the fruit must be free from diseases and pests). Fruit growers also strive to ensure that the apples they produce reach the market always fresh and properly ripe – so that they are tasty.
- Cultivation method
Customers all over the world have more and more knowledge about fruit production methods and their impact on the quality of the final product. More and more often, they choose fruit with the smallest possible residue of plant protection products. They successively introduce production methods to their orchards that limit the use of plant protection products while maintaining the high quality of fruit. These are integrated, zero-residue and ecological methods.
- Sustainable development
An increasing number of customers pay attention to the impact of agricultural production on the natural environment. Therefore, European fruit growers are taking steps to reduce the impact of their activities on nature. By introducing the aforementioned practices of integrated production or switching production from conventional to organic, they not only reduce the amount of plant protection products they use, but they also reduce carbon dioxide emissions. They also conduct activities aimed at supporting local ecosystems, creating e.g. refuges for wild animals.
- Investment in innovation
Many European research centres are working on new production techniques or breeding new varieties. They aim at e.g. improving the quality of the fruit obtained. Innovation allows you to distinguish your offer from many similar ones, which facilitates subsequent trade. Such innovative production methods or new varieties should be tested on fruit farms, which is why European apple producers are increasingly willing to support the dissemination of such solutions on their farms. What’s more, fruit growers, seeing the positive effects of innovative production methods, often also invest in commissioning such research.
As you can see, apple production in the European Union is not only more and more sustainable for the natural environment, but also more and more innovative. Reaching for apples from Europe, you are guaranteed that they not only meet high quality and taste requirements, but are also a unique product, standing out from many similar ones.