Apples from Europe – high quality apples


Facebook Apple Competition

Za nami pierwszy rok kampanii informacyjno-promocyjnej „Czas na jabłka z Europy”. W ciągu ostatnich 12 miesięcy podjęto szereg działań, których celem było rozsławienie świeżych jabłek pochodzących z Unii Europejskiej, jak i budowanie świadomości odbiorców na temat ich jakości, wyjątkowego smaku i wysokich standardów produkcji. Jak, gdzie i kto promował niepowtarzalne jabłka europejskie?

We encourage you to take part in another Facebook competition in which you can share your creative ideas for a delicious breakfast using apples. Just post a photo of the meal in the comment below the competition post.

The competition will start on March 20, 2023, with the posting of the competition post on Facebook.

From among the submitted works, ten most distinguished by the creativity of preparation and eye-catching aesthetics of the photo will be selected. The winner of the competition will be selected by the Jury appointed by the Organizers.

The prizes you can win include a set of three Teflon pans, a rotary kitchen grater with three replaceable stainless steel blades and other accessories useful in everyday kitchen life.

We are waiting for your ideas until March 29, 2023, 23:59. The winners will be selected on March 30, 2023, and the results will be announced on our fan page:

Date of publication: 2023-03-19