Press conference “Time for apples from Europe” in Cairo
On December 5, 2022 in Cairo, during the Food Africa fair, a press conference of the “Time for apples from Europe” campaign was held. The conference was combined with a cooking show by a local chef.

During the conference, Mr. Mirosław Maliszewski, president of the Association of Polish Fruit Growers (ZSRP), presented the idea of the campaign and discussed the benefits of eating apples from Europe. One of the main topics discussed during the conference was the analysis of trade in apples between Egypt and Poland. Mr. Maliszewski presented statistics that show that Poland is one of the largest apple producers in Europe, as well as one of the main suppliers of apples to Egypt.

During the conference, the best ways to take advantage of the free trade agreement that is in force between Poland and Egypt were also presented. According to the agreement the import of apples is exempt from duties and other fees, therefore, exporters are able to offer competitive prices, which is beneficial for both parties.
The President of ZSRP emphasized that the European offer of products, including apples, is attractive for the Egyptian market and meets consumer expectations. Apples from Europe are treated as products of the highest quality, which results from European standards of cultivation and production. Furthermore, Polish producers offer a wide range of apple varieties, which allows for the diverse needs of the Egyptian market to be met.
The conference was also attended by the Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of Poland – Michał Łabenda and the Commercial Counsellor, Tomasz Andruchów, as well as the Head of the PAIH Foreign Trade Office – Jacek Grad, who highlighted the importance of the Egyptian market for the Polish economy and the possibilities of cooperation in the field of import and export.

The conference was also attended by Egyptian influencers involved in the subject of food, who had the opportunity to try different varieties of apples from Europe and show the event on their social media.

The presentation by the speakers was followed by a culinary show, during which chef Fatma Abu Haty prepared various dishes with apples in the lead role. Visitors had the opportunity to try these delicacies and share their impressions.

The press conference in Cairo was a success, and its participants had the opportunity to learn about the benefits of eating apples from Europe and how apples can be used in various dishes. The conference was very popular among representatives of the Egyptian market as well as Polish producers and exporters. All participants took advantage of the opportunity to learn the details of trade in apples between Poland and Egypt.